Sunday, August 3, 2008

The benefits of breakfast

A healthy breakfast that includes high-fiber cereal can not only help keep diabetes, heart disease, and stroke at bay, it can also help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight.
Research suggests that breakfast eaters are leaner than those who skip the morning meal, with one study reporting that missing breakfast was associated with a fourfold increase in the risk of obesity. High-fiber cereals are central to breakfast's health benefits and can help you reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and even intestinal polyps and colon cancer. Look for breakfast cereals that provide at least 6 grams of fiber per serving, but make sure your choice is low in sugar (less than 10 grams per serving). Add nonfat milk and bananas, berries, or apple slices to create a tasty meal.
You needn't limit your morning menu to high-fiber cereals, but wise choices are important. Stick to whole-grain or pumpernickel breads for toast; opt for trans-fat-free soft margarines or cholesterol-lowering spreads that contain plant stanols. Eggs needn't be banned from the breakfast table, but are better reserved for the occasional brunch, particularly for people with diabetes. In one study, men with diabetes who ate more than one egg a day were twice as likely to develop cardiovascular problems. To date, there is no solid evidence that organic eggs or brands high in omega-3 fats offer any particular health benefits—and they still count as eggs. Many typical breakfast foods (hash browns, bacon, croissants) have too much fat or salt—and fast-food breakfasts have too much of everything, except the fiber that adds the real punch to breakfast's health benefits. A little experimentation—a whole grain cereal one day, pumpernickel toast with peanut butter the next—can help you find the combination of foods that make breakfast a welcome start to your day.

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