Monday, January 25, 2016

Health Fundamental


“Health is wealth“, is an age-old saying. Health has been the major concern at all times and much more so in the modern times where man is to cope up with the ever increasing stress and strain of living. The modern life brought along with varied developments the related ills, sicknesses, and diseases. On one side there is enormous technological development, modernized life exacting more and more from the human for the overall rapid development. On the other side there is no concurrent development in the rhythm of life giving way for many diseases, some of which are very mysterious.

Man is drifting away more and more from nature in his pursuit of social and economic development. As a consequence normal natural rhythmic way of life is lost. The understanding of time, the nature and characteristics of the seasons and healthy food habits are lost. The capacity to assimilate food, which in turn maintains the vitality of the body is lost. Medicines and vitamins are being eaten as much as food. Nevertheless the growth of diseases is in geometrical progression while the inventions and innovations of medical cure are in arithmetical progression. Popular medical treatments are found to be inadequate to meet the varieties of challenges that humanity encounters in terms of diseases.
A harmonious way of living which prevents frequent falling into sickness and treatment of diseases with medicines, which are not excessively poisonous or cause more side effects than cure are the need of the hour. 
A person’s way of living has major impact on his health. The mental, the emotional and the physical attitudes and habits decide the degree of health or its lack of it. The attitudes of a person exist in him as seeds and sprout on a given occasion. A balanced approach to life holds the key to health. Inner harmony and poise contribute substantially to maintain stable health. In the present world generosity, competition and the consequent jealousy are playing havoc. An average mind is affected by them. Suspicion, anger, hatred, doubt are the by-products. Fear, anxiety, depression are the further by-products. When man’s mental and intellectual energies are affected by such things then I don’t think a good health can be achieved.
Education about the laws of nature and man’s right relations with it is becoming more and more relevant. Man should be taught the human nature, the human constitution and its adjustment with the surrounding nature. Until the right way of living is learnt, the rat-race between the disease and the medicine continues to grow and health become sever evasive.
That is reason we need to learn, understand and practice fundamental of health. This depends on law of nature that is food, water, air, environment and pattern or daily routine.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Vedic way of living

Indians are proud of their ancient culture and heritage. Ancient Indian sages, seers and spiritual leaders evolved a way of life that could fulfill the ultimate purpose and aim of human life.

This is my small attempt to unravel some of the secrets in the Vedic tradition that help us to stay positive and face life’s challenges more confidently and establish joyful living.

The components in Vedas provide valuable tools to control the mind, regulate the thought process, acquire self-knowledge, and attain higher levels of personal fulfillment.

In Hindu traditions, Moksha or eternal libration In the Sanskrit language, "moksha" means freedom it is as a state of eternal bliss and emptiness. is a central concept and included as one of the four aspects and goals of human life; the other three goals are Dharma (virtuous, proper or moral) regulates personal and social life, Artha (material prosperity, income, security or means of life) supports life materially throughout its span and Kama (pleasure, sensuality, emotional fulfillment or desire), within the limits of Dharma, allows fulfillment of all human desires. Together, these four aims of life are called Puruṣārtha in Hinduism.

Vedic thinking expects all the people of all the four age groups to build themselves for a definite purpose in life and move through the 'Ashram' or stage or phase of life. That is Brahmacharya Ashram, Grihastha Ashram, Vanprashtha ashram and Sanyasa ashram.

Brahmacharya/Student: The celibate student time of youth is for learning the foundation of lifestyle. The focus is on healthy, positive training and discipline, learning about spiritual, community, and family life. 

Grihastha/Householder: The householder phase of life is when one lives with spouse and children, fulfilling worldly interests and duties. It is a time of giving, living, learning, and loving in family and community. Religious or spiritual practices are done in the context of worldly life and service to others.

Vanprashtha/Hermitage: This is a time for shifting focus more towards more inner spiritual practices of meditation, contemplation, and prayer. Relationships with grown children and community are more in the role of a matured mentor. Lifestyle is more simplified, and the couple may retreat to a quieter place for deeper practices.

Sanyasa/Renunciate: The elder person now retreats from active involvement in all worldly goals, seeking only spiritual goals in this final phase. No longer having political, professional, or social engagements, there is a further shift towards being an elder teacher of spiritual knowledge.

As per my opinion each individual's life is a personal matter. It is up to us what we do with this most precious of all gifts. How are you spending your life? History and reason indicate that the best approach is to live every moment to the fullest and let the results take care of themselves. Life needs no excuse or explanation. It needs only to be lived joyfully.

Joyful living

In today's dynamic and competitive world, people are often under great social and work pressures. Working or living in such an environment is a daunting task as they have to cope with demands in tune with local conditions. It is challenging but at the same time it provides an opportunity to see new way, new vision and determine joyful living.

People are fascinated with knowing about ‘life after death.’ But knowing about life after birth is more important and relevant. Many in this world are merely existing, some surviving, a few really living and the rarest joyful living itself.
But we all want joyful living. It should not be rarest; it should be common for all. That is why Indian old scripture says

 सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः। सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः
सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु। मा कश्चित् दुःख भाग्भवेत्॥
शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः

Om May All become Happy, May All be Free from Illness.
 May All See what is Auspicious,
 May no one suffer, Om Peace , Peace, Peace
While we are a diverse world of cultures, religions, philosophies, and attitudes, this simple framework of life planning has great value for all of us. The system, pattern and rules of ashram is such, we automatically attain over a period of time, high spirits, joyful, exhilarated, elated, jubilant, carefree, deeply contented, peace, delightful, and joyful living.
Lastly for joyful living put your smile into another person's life.
Be a blessing to anyone you meet. Be a joy of life always.
Say these magic words to others as often as you can:
You are beautiful. You are intelligent. You are kind. You are unique.
You are wonderful. This is how beauty, intelligence, kindness, uniqueness and wonder will grow and spread around you, from you into the world.




Blissful life (An introduction to life without medicine)

Each breath out is death and each breath in is life. Each morning when we wake up we experience the extreme happiness of being alive. Each day is a renaissance. Each day is a rebirth, an added time to the continuation of the miracle of our life.

Life then appears as a true miracle, a tremendous gift of cosmic consciousness, a fabulous glimpse into the incredible, fathomless universe, an opportunity to be co-Creators with super conscious and evolution. Yes, it is an immense luck to be alive.

All external things are fascinating only in as much as we see them as such. Our own life, our own functioning, our own complexity, our own capacity to think, to dream, to imagine, to love, to act, those are for me the most fascinating things on Earth: I, a microcosm of the universe.

That is reason Life is our most precious gift, treasure, capital, belonging, wealth, stock, worth, asset, jewel, miracle, etc. Nothing can equal it.
It is my request; every moment of life is precious, divine and good. Do not waste any of it. Be greedy for life.
Life is a journey so rich, so beautiful: it can be a journey into our self, into others, into the entire world and universe, into the past, present and future. It can be a constant journey holding hands with super consciousness on this splendid planet in the star-filled heavens.

Our fascination with life has no end so, be in passion with own life. It is the only one we have got.

Each individual's life is a personal matter. It is up to us what we do with this most precious of all gifts. Life needs no excuse or explanation. It needs only to be lived joyfully.



Medicine Free Life

Almost 150 yrs ago perception or understanding of Thomas A Edison was “the doctor of the future will give no medicine”. I agree with this and I believe no medicine is required for perfect health. According to him we need to care of our body because our body needs caring not curing. Curing takes place automatically when we start caring ourselves.

There is a need to understand, that this body is not ours; we have borrowed it, so we have to take good care of it; we can’t let anyone else mistreat it. So, we should be grateful for our body and take good care of it to be strong and healthy.

I believe in welcome, in well-go, in let go, and in let’s grow. Naturally we will develop to love ourselves to love others. In my opinion, compassion is an obsessive compulsive order to relieve the suffering of mankind. When I practice healing, I am interacting with people, not diseases. Only one understanding that is compassion, made me to care more than 200 patients per day. I know compassion is the passion to communicate our care to others so that they can cheer up. It is my conscious understanding; the best way to find you is to lose yourself in the service of others.
“The will to win” is more important than “the skill to win” We are all designed to win; and in order to win we must focus on what’s important Now.
" Medicine free life," yet it is not expected that no medicines are ever needed; it is sometimes necessary to take medicine to remove disease — assist nature to throw off her encumbrances, and restore herself to health and strength. Yet whoever will obey nature's laws, will, comparatively speaking, have health without the aid of medicine. Medicines should be used only when unavoidable; they should only be resorted to when the remedy may not be worse than the disease, as a choice between two evils, both of which should be avoided as far as possible.

To your health