Sunday, April 5, 2015

Remove Plaque Naturally


Plaque tends to create tartar when deposited on the teeth for a long time. Plaque is abundant if you consume mushy, soft and sticky foods rich carbohydrates( sweets, white bread , biscuits , candied fruit).
Here are the most effective home remedies to help you to get rid of plague easily in the comfort of your own home:
Recipe 1:
  • 30 grams of walnut shell
  • some water
Preparation:Put the walnut shell in a pot, add water and boil it for 15 minutes. Dip the toothbrush into the resulting mixture and wash her ​​teeth 5 minutes. Repeat this procedure three times, in a day in the morning, afternoon and evening.
Recipe 2:
  • 4 teaspoons of sunflower seeds
  • 4 teaspoons lime flower
  • 1 liter of water
Preparation:Put the ingredients in a bowl, cover with water and simmer for half an hour. Brush your teeth with this mixture after each meal.
Recipe 3:Apple cider vinegar can also be used to remove the calculus, but only once a week. Put a little apple cider vinegar in your mouth, gargle and scrub brush your teeth. Spit. Thoroughly rinse the mouth with water to avoid damage to the enamel.
Recipe 4:Take three tablespoons of leaves of mountain wormwood ( Artemisiaabsinthum ) then cover with four deciliter fermented wine. Make this mix and it let be covered for two hours. Then strain and brush your teeth with the liquid several times a day. You will have a beautiful and healthy smile without calculus.
Recipe 5:
Baking soda can also help to remove calculus. Put some baking soda on the moistened toothbrush and clean the calculus on your teeth. In a teaspoon of baking soda, also you add a little salt and with this combination brush your teeth.

Saturday, April 4, 2015

Rewarding Relationships

All successful relationships have common characteristics. This is true whether the relationship is romantic, work-related, casual, or familial. Relationships are more stable and satisfying when all parties are on the same page. Communication is always a key element of healthy relationships, but there are additional important factors.

1. Accept responsibility. Forget about 50-50. Take full responsibility for your relationships. Relationships require regular attention and adjustment. Are you giving your relationships the time and maintenance needed to ensure success?

2. Be reliable. Regardless of the type of relationship, reliability is a key component. It's imperative that you can be trusted and relied upon. The importance of trust and reliability can't be overstated.
  • Do you always keep your word? Can others count on you? Do others believe what you say? Relationships can't survive without mutual trust.
  • If you've been unreliable in the past, make a sincere effort to be 100% reliable going forward.
3. Forgive easily. Everyone makes mistakes and everyone has bad days. Every person you know will hurt your feelings or let you down at some point. But it's okay, since you'll invariably do the same sometime.
  • Every type of relationship has its rough spots. If you're unable to forgive and forget, the relationship is forever tainted. No one is perfect, so allow yourself and others to be human. 
4. Listen. Communication is key, and quality communication can't take place without giving the other person your full attention. Turn off the television and close your laptop. Give others in your relationships the time they need to communicate with you.
  • When they're finished speaking, clarify anything that isn't clear. Then feel free to speak.
5. Communicate your needs. Let others know what you need and expect from them. Most disagreements in all types of relationships are the result of someone's expectations being violated. It's not weak to speak up and make your needs known. It's assertive.
  • Many of us expect others to read our minds and behave in a certain way. This is unfair and ineffective.
6. Mind your tongue. It only takes a few seconds to say something that requires years to undo. If you tend to say harsh things in the heat of the moment, learn to take a pause before saying anything further. Ten seconds of keeping your mouth closed could eliminate a lot of your relationship drama.

7. Accept. A person's "flaws" are usually here to stay. Your ability to overlook and accept the other person's shortcomings is necessary for any relationship. That's not to say that you should overlook the fact that someone is a serial killer, but a relationship will be a source of grief without acceptance.

8. Regularly evaluate your relationships. You wouldn't drive your car without looking at the gas gauge every once in a while. Take the same attitude with your relationships. Ask yourself how each of your relationship is doing and take the necessary steps to strengthen them.

Rewarding relationship enrich our lives in countless ways. The quality of our relationships affects our happiness and success. Relationships require analysis and attention to thrive. Review your relationship and find ways to enhance them. Be strong enough to forgive and communicate your needs. Relationships can be complicated, but they make life worth living.

Five simple acu point to relieve stress

Acupressure - Point 1 (PC6)

Point 1 (Nei Guan)
Starting from the wrist, measure the length of three fingers down the forearm. Where the third finger meets the middle of the arms width is where the point is located. Apply firm pressure using the thumb and gently rotated the thumb in a circular motion to massage the point for 2-3 minutes. Doing this to both arms will help to melt anxiety and will also help reduce any nausea present
Acupressure - Point 2 (Union Valley)
Point 2 (Union Valley)
This point is located between the webbing of the index finger and thumb. Apply the index finger and thumb from the opposing hands to either side of the webbing to form a pinch. Apply firm pressure for three minutes whilst taking deep enough breathes to fully inflate the abdomen. Applying pressure to this point will help to relive stress and tension in the body.
Acupressure - Point 3 (Shoulder Well)
Point 3 (Shoulder Well)
This stimulation point is located half way between the point of the shoulder and the base of the neck. Applying pressure with your index finger to this point aids in relieving stress and decreasing tension in the body. According to the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine, this point also helps to free up the flow of Qi throughout the meridian system.
Acupressure - Point 4 (Central Treasury) 2
Point 4 (Central Treasury)
This meridian point is located on the tender tissue two finger widths above where the underneath of the arm meets the chest. Using the tip of the index finger and applying moderate pressure to this point, to either one or both sides simultaneously, will aid with deep breathing and increased blood circulation, and help with the balancing of unstable emotions.
Acupressure - Point 5 (Heavenly Pillar)
Point 5 (Heavenly Pillar)
This point lies one fingers width below the base of the skull, upon the rope-like muscles roughly one half-inch either side of the spine. Web the fingers across the back of the skull and use both thumbs to apply firm pressure to both points. Close the eyes and take long and deep breathes whilst stimulating the point for around 3 minutes to relieve stress. These points also assist in insomnia, a stiff neck, over exhaustion and swollen eyes.

Putting effort to be perfect is causing anxiety

No one is "perfect." Yet many people struggle to be, which can trigger a cascade of anxieties. Perfectionism may be a strong suit or a stumbling block, depending on how it's channeled.
"The core of all perfectionism is the intention to do something well. "If you can keep your eye on intention and desired outcome, adjusting your strategy when needed, you're fine.... But when you can't tolerate making a mistake, when your strategy is to make no mistake, that’s when perfectionism starts veering off in the wrong direction." In its most severe form, perfectionism can leave you unable to complete any task for fear of making a mistake.
To help you prioritize the projects and activities that mean the most to you and keep your personal strategy in line, you can have the following exercise:
What do you find valuable in life? What would you want 50 years of your life to represent? If that seems overwhelming, where do you want to put your energies for the next five years?
Think about your current goals and projects, and assign them priorities. Use the letters "ABCF" to help you decide where you want to excel (A), be above average (B), or be average (C), and what you can let go of (F). For example:
·  A (100% effort): This is reserved for what's most important to you. For example, if your career is most valuable, your goals might be to impress the boss, make sure clients are happy, put out good products at work.
·  B (above average, maybe 80% effort): Perhaps you like playing golf or tennis or want to learn a new language. You enjoy these activities, but have no plans to go pro.
·  C (average effort): Perhaps having a clean home is important, too. But how often does your home need to be cleaned? People aren't coming to see it every day. Could you just clean up on the weekends? Or focus on a few rooms that get the most traffic?
·  F (no effort): Time-consumers that don't advance your values or bring you pleasure — for example, lining up all your hangers or folding all your clothes in a specific way. Do you have any tasks that, upon reflection, don't really matter — you've just done them one way for so long that you're on autopilot? These deserve to be pruned.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Cabbage a miraculous food

Cabbage has a long history of use both as a food and a medicine. It was developed from wild cabbage, a vegetable that was closer in appearance to collards and kale since it was composed of leaves that did not form a he
The health benefits of cabbage include frequent use as a treatment for constipation, stomach ulcers, headaches, obesity, skin disorders, eczema, jaundice, scurvy, rheumatism, arthritis, gout, eye disorders, heart diseases, aging, and Alzheimer’s disease.
This  is very low in Saturated Fat and Cholesterol. It is also a good source of Thiamin, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus and Potassium, and a very good source of Dietary Fiber, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin B6, Folate and Manganese.

Very effective in knee arthritis

  1. Take cabbage leaf apply caster oil on it. Make warm and wrap on painful knee and cover with aluminium foil for whole night. Repeat the process for 11 days.  you will have lot of pain relief.
  2. Make paste with cabbage leaf. warm it and apply all around the painful area and lastly cover with aluminium foil for 1 hrs. Repeat the process every day for a week.

Miraculous Aluminium foil

Miraculous Aluminium foil as a great pain remover 

Aluminum Foil

"Pain is an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage,whether it is in your back, knee, shoulder or heel or any joint. Pain is something no everyone likes to endure every day. Aluminum foil can be used to alleviate pain. Hundreds of years ago it was one of the best home remedy. Aluminum foil possesses anti-inflammatory effects on the skin and can make pains go away after having been applied for the duration of time.
If you have problems with pain put aluminum foil onto the affected places. After some time, the pain will disappear completely.
Using the foil to treat pain is pretty simple. You should place a piece of foil about the size of the area where the pain is and use plaster to hold it in place. You’ll want to keep it on for 12 hours or overnight while you sleep. After you have done this for about two weeks, you can take a break of about 10 days if you are still experiencing pain you’ll want to repeat the process.
It heals burns 
As unusual as it sounds, aluminum foil is one of the best remedies for a minor burn. After cooling the burn, wrap it in aluminum foil and leave it wrapped for several hours. This treatment functions in a number of ways including keeping the burn cool, protecting it from additional damage, and delivering restorative minerals as foil contains aluminum and other regenerative minerals.