Monday, May 26, 2008

help me

i have a problem


The great Philosopher Plato said thousands of years ago:
"The cure of many diseases is unknown to physicians. They are ignorant of the whole which ought to be studied also, for the part can never be well unless the whole is well. This is the great error of our day in the treatment of the human body, that the physician separates the soul from the body."
The name itself indicates all that it conceives. Here a complete and flaw less care is undertaken for all anatomical, physiological and spiritual problems. This centre started from scratch to inculcate the sense of health and synchronization of body and soul. Since, it’s infancy it has been involved in dedicated, devoted and continuous service of mankind. Needless to say, this centre with its unique features and specific pattern is standing separately with high head, esteem and boldness. We facilitate healing from even serious or chronic health challenges and specialize in the cleansing of physical, emotional and energetic conditions. To achieve this, we are creating and implementing new models for integrating traditional and state-of-the-art treatment plans and clinical practices in a unique, environmentally safe atmosphere.


As the name contains all that it has, we aim to provide easily affordable and comfortable remedial service to all. Our motto is “To Provide Nature’s Gift to All”. In pursuance of this ethos, we have been providing not only cure to the Ethereal Body but also counseling for Mental Peace. In order for wellness to occur, we recognize that a proactive attitude and the qualities of commitment, responsibility and honest communication are priorities for both the patents and practitioner. As a result, we provide education, tools and support to empower our patients to achieve and maintain optimal health. Thus we are traveling on the path of Eternal Light with Divine Aspect.

TOTAL PHYSIO CARE (TPC). works as an innovative centre, in the field of Alternative Medicine. This has special feature to provide treatments and preventative therapies to ensure that public can achieve their optimum health. This Clinic provides a Friendly and approachable, professional service offering a complete range of respected complementary and alternative therapies. We function along the guidelines of “Cure is Sure If Faith is Pure”. Alternative Medicine consists of three prong dynamism i.e. Shabda, Sparsh and Bodha... We have a strong and dedicated team fully dedicated to “Public Service”. This centre has provided the ray of hope to countless sufferers who had lost their faith not only in Modern Medical Science but also in life. A sign of glow and confidence on the face of people, right from their first visit, provides us an inducement and sense of commitment towards “Strive for Excellence”. So far, to the best of our knowledge, no patient has gone back uncured or unsatisfied. More than 200 patients are treated every day of various diseases such as Paralysis, Slip disk, Cervical Spondylosis, Mayopathy, Muscular Dystrophy, Cerebral Palsy, Piles, Fits, Psychological Disorder, Dipression, Diabetiese, Heart and kidney disorder, Joint pain, Osteo arthritis, rheumatism etc along with computer related injuries. So far thousands of patients suffering from these diseases are treated successfully and living their blissful, healthy life.

TPC is comprised of compassionate, professional practitioners who are dedicated to assisting and empowering people facing the challenges of being whole on all levels of mind, body and spirit.
Its vision is to provide an easy and quality health for all. “Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah Sarve Santuh Niramayah” is our sole strategy. We provide multi mode of treatment based upon the ancient Vedas and methods adopted by Charak, Sushruta and Other all time great veterans. Our treatment is based on the five Basic Elements viz - Fire, Earth, Space (Metal), Air (Wood) and Water. Besides, we have provision of intellectual enlightment also. A regular course, educational class, workshops is being organized. This not only inculcates sense of self reliance, but also proves to be a milestone in improving the overall quality of life.

Although services undertaken by the centre cannot be bind in the length of words or sentences, but a limited estimation can be done with the following-
Various acupuncture systems are being used for quick restoring and balancing the energy and health. Specific acupuncture systems are: Traditional Chinese acupuncture, Electro acupuncture, Sujok acupuncture etc.
Marma Sparsh Chikitsa (Acupressure)
It is a harmless therapy to restore complete health by applying pressure on energy point of various energy channels. It includes Reflexology, Shiatshu, and Tuina therapy.

Accelerated psychotherapy

The powerful psychotherapeutic method designed to efficiently find the reasons for your difficulties and issues in life. Using your current emotional symptoms as gateways, it enables the causes to be found and worked with.

Bach Flower Remedy

We use it as the best way to harmonize physical condition on the basis of mental and emotional symptom by the essence of specific flower.

Chakra therapy

Our body consists of 7 Chakras; all of them have crucial impact on the activities of flesh and blood. It is practical and easy to use guide which describes the mechanism of the energy systems and the dynamics of energy flow and energy interaction between you and people. We provide easy way to clinch, balance and promote various chakras for spiritual, mental and physical growth.

Colour Therapy
Since the begining of time all cultures in some way or another used colour for changing our ways of being or life. Today we are not much different. We colour our world in many ways. In ancient time China has adopted this therapy as an exclusive method for analyzing the flight of mind and imagination. Taking a cue from this we implement it to find out about colour and how it can complement you in so many ways. What clothes will be the most flattering for you? Have a consultation where you come away with a completely new understanding of colour and style as it applies to you personally. It can help improve and balance your emotional state when you gaze, wear and use selected colors and absorb their energy.

EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques)

It is very simple, yet powerful tool to help release believes and emotions. It can be used therapeutically and deep transformational work, or used even whilst on the move to eradicate negative thoughts and emotions.

Guided Self-Healing

This is a holistic therapy combining together many different forms of talking therapy into a powerful healing framework designed to clear the blocks preventing you from living your life in good spirit.


It is a general term for a whole range of healing methods, to include hands-on healing, spiritual healing and many other techniques designed to guide individuals into a relaxed and peaceful state, and to help balance the body.

Herbal Medicine

This describes the system of treating disease and maintaining health using plant, flower and nature’s flora, fauna and its extracts.

Holistic Counseling

In this we use a gentle method of working with the emotional symptoms and understanding where they come from. It will work with ways of resolving these symptoms and encourages and facilitates a new perspective.

Homeopathy & Biochemical Medicines

The proven therapy based on the theory of treating like with like. It is a very useful and effective treatment and not having any side effects.

Lifestyle Coaching

This is a multi-faceted form of coaching to help you create an environment at home and in your life to help you create the congenial and interesting life you want to live. Be bold, dream your dreams, and turn them into reality.

Life coaching

Life Coaching is about getting the results you want in your life. It is about moving beyond your boundaries and releasing the unexposed talents to create the life you want.

This practice has been followed from the time immemorial. The deep relaxation of meditation is intended to heal the body, quit the disturbed mental setup, and provide a sense of inner balance. Both group and individual meditation sessions are available.


It is a canopy uniting all natural healing methods. Given the opportunity, Nature heals, not just the symptom, but the whole person, inside and out, on every level. The naturopath uses many disciplines to recover the Whole Person.

Nutritional therapy

Therapy has the root in providing remedies from food intake. It supports your optimum health and development through foods, herbs, and other naturally derived substances, helping to prevent disease, enhance performance, and improve healthy life expectancy.


It is an approach to healthcare that emphasizes the role of the musculoskeletal system in health and disease. By its holistic approach and physical manipulation, provides prevention and treatment of disease, particularly, musculoskeletal problems such as back and neck pain.

Dream Analysis

This is a holistic approach to understand unexpressed views of mind regarding coming life. It is a transpersonal psychology as well as addressing life’s problems; it holds a spiritual view for those who are interested in exploring this aspect.


Reiki is a method of channeling energy to the body in a particular pattern to heal and harmonize, intending to relax the body, clear blockages, and restore vitality.
Spiritual Counseling
The process by which a professional counselor helps a person copes with mental or emotional distress, and understands and solves personal problems. This comes from the core of the heart and dealt with in personal psychology (such as relations, self-image, self-worth, habits and behaviors). The major focus is upon aspects such as: faith, devotion, wisdom, compassion, spiritual techniques, and spiritual experiences.
Spiritual Healing

Spirit is all that prevails. It is a method of healing where you can relax completely and let Nature’s healing power do the work. You let go, dropping deeper into your own being, to where your own calm effortlessly overcomes stress.

Stress Management

Stress is most dominating word of world. It is the ability of an individual to manage the perceived pressures they face on a day to day basis. Stress management training teaches techniques to reduce or re-appraise these pressures, enhancing coping ability.

Yoga utilizes the body, mind and spirit through breathing exercises, stretching postures and meditation techniques. Participants of yoga describe achieving a state of tranquility and peacefulness that clears the mind calms the soul and rejuvenates energy. Yoga provides the physical benefits of increased strength and flexibility. It also relieves stress, gives mental clarity, promotes healing and grants inner peace and serenity.

Distance / on line healing – A unique approach of healing from distance by using different communication modes. In this mode of treatment, patients at distance are treated for various diseases by listening to their problems/symptoms and providing miraculous remedies giving instant relief and mental peace to the patient.



As the name contains all that it has, we aim to provide easily affordable and comfortable remedial service to all. Our motto is “To Provide Nature’s Gift to All”. In pursuance of this ethos, we have been providing not only cure to the Ethereal Body but also counseling for Mental Peace. In order for wellness to occur, we recognize that a proactive attitude and the qualities of commitment, responsibility and honest communication are priorities for both the patents and practitioner. As a result, we provide education, tools and support to empower our patients to achieve and maintain optimal health. Thus we are traveling on the path of Eternal Light with Divine Aspect.